
Call for papers

Call for Papers: Emerging Discourse Incubator: Managing Working Conditions in Supply Chains: Towards Decent Work

JSCM is pleased to announce our fourth Emerging Discourse Incubator.
“The topic for JSCM's fourth emerging discourse incubator (EDI) is Managing Working Conditions in Supply Chains: Toward Decent Work. Decent work refers to “opportunities for work that is productive and delivers a fair income, security in the workplace and social protection for families, better prospects for personal development and social integration, freedom for people to express their concerns, organize and participate in the decisions that affect their lives and equality of opportunity and treatment for all women and men” (ILO, 2019). The goal of decent work for all is enshrined in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals as SDG 8, ‘Decent work and Economic Growth’. Yet in many supply chains this goal remains elusive. For example, there is evidence that the supply chains of several prominent companies, such as Amazon, have not adequately addressed worker safety concerns in regard to the COVID-19 virus.”

The Full EDI details can be found here

May 2020:
Initial call for submissions* (Please mark submissions as EDI within the cover letter)
January 2021: Invited papers and guest editors’ introduction expected to appear online to initiate the discourse
January 2021-January 2022: Submission window for normal submissions
*Papers will be published as soon as they are accepted

Please direct any queries to guest editors Vivek Soundararajan (, Miriam Wilhelm ( and Andrew Crane (

or JSCM co-editor Mark Pagell (

Below are some helpful links related to what an EDI is and a note from our Co-Editors discussing one of our previous EDI.

From the Editors—Introducing JSCM's First Emerging Discourse Incubator for 2018/19

What is an Emerging Discourse Incubator?

 Guest Editors’ Profile

Vivek Soundararajan is an Associate Professor at School of Management, University of Bath. His research primarily on worker exploitation in supply chains, and governance of Decent Work in supply chains. His research has been published in journals such as Business Ethics Quarterly, Journal of Operations Management, Journal of World Business, Human Relations, among others. He has received grants for his work from research councils and industry. Currently, he is an editorial board member of Journal of Business Ethics and Business & Society.

 Miriam Wilhelm is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Her main research interests lie in managing tensions and paradoxes between sustainability and business, and the governance of sustainability in global (and multi-tier) supply chains. Her research has been published in Journal of Supply Chain Management, Journal of Operations Management, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Organization Science, among others.

 Andrew Crane is a Professor of Business and Society and Director of the Centre for Business, Organisations and Society in the School of Management at the University of Bath, UK. He is also an International Affiliate Faculty at Audencia Business School in France. His research focuses on the changing role of the corporation in the global economy and on understanding the business of modern slavery. He has published a number of books and has published in the Academy of Management Review, Business Ethics Quarterly, Journal of Management Studies, among many others. From 2015-2019 he was the co-editor of Business & Society and is currently on the editorial board of Journal of Management Studies and Organization Theory.

Jacqueline JagoEDI, EDI4