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Call for Papers: Regenerative Supply Chains

Journal of Supply Chain Management is excited to announce the Special Issue of our 60th anniversary, calling for researchers to advance theoretical insights and practical guidance in regenerative supply chains. The need for this research has become more urgent than ever as climate change and biodiversity loss accelerate. Over the past three decades, the supply chain literature has gradually expanded to examine synergies and trade-offs between economic, operational, and socio-ecological outcomes. However, limited insight has been provided on how to create an economically viable supply chain that has positive or regenerative impacts on social and environmental systems. In this special issue, researchers are called to rethink supply chains to integrate with nature respectfully and harmoniously. The principles, processes, and outcomes that characterize regenerative supply chains are not yet known, making this an essential area for academic research. Please see the attached document for details regarding the special issue. If you have questions, feel free to contact any of the guest editors or Co-EIC of JSCM.

Sara Hsu