


Concerns over the handling of an individual paper: It is hoped that JSCM’s operations will serve the community in a transparent, fair and effective manner. In addition, JSCM via its publisher Wiley, is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and JSCM always endeavours to follow COPE’s best practices in publishing ethics. If a member of the community believes that the review process has been mismanaged or did not follow COPE guidelines in a specific instance, then they should inform the editors. If a satisfactory solution cannot be worked out with the editors, then this member of the community should inform one or both of the ombudspersons, who will determine a solution in line with the COPE principals. The editors will abide by these decisions.

The current ombudspersons are:

 Lisa Ellram:
Christine Harland: 

The full governance document can be accessed here